Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Badger cull is down to greed

31 August

Today is the last day of August, see, I’m full of useless info; just think though, it’s only 15 or 16 weeks to Crimble – now there’s a thought! That means it’s only 16/17 week until 2017 … oh heck … … …

The government has caved in to the farmers who won’t take the most obvious actions themselves to help reduce the TB problem. So now the badger cull is on yet again but with an even greater target to cull 10,000 badgers. Yet the last cull didn’t hit the set target, so why do they need to set a new, larger target figure? You know what, I’ve never seen a badger, out in the wild or captive; every badger killed means I, and loads of other folks, have one less chance to see one. However, it doesn’t have to happen at all.

Several years ago, Andrew Marr recorded a series of telly shows, one of them was a history of the UK going back to when humans first began to farm and domesticate animals. At that point he said that humans passed on TB to their cattle. Oh really? That is interesting; so humans gave it to cattle, cattle passed it on through their faeces to the natural wildlife in the local area. It seems obvious that at some time, other cattle will pick it up from other animals. So why just cull badgers, why not rabbits, hares, foxes or whatever?

Even so, there is an anti-TB vaccine available but the farmers won’t use it. There may be problems with it, one of them is that the vaccine leaves a trace which can be seen on tests, and that means their animals value goes down. The other problem is that of the cost of the vaccine; most farmers are unwilling to pay for it, claiming they shouldn’t have to pay for something to clear a problem they are not responsible for or want for financial reasons. So the shots are being called once again simply because of selfishness and greed, and with real shots in this case!

Kile is due back home today and Jan will take him back, but via Asda in Coventry to get him a new pair of school trousers. It seems that Asda here in Dorktown has run out of them. I just hope the larger branch hasn’t run out too. It seems a tad late to be looking for them to me really – ah well …

Today’s photo is another from our recent zoo visit …

I don’t know what this little beastie is but there were quite a few of them wondering around.

Today’s funny …

When you are dating..... He takes you out to have a good time.
When you are married ....He brings home a 6 pack, and says ''What are you going to drink?''

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