Friday, 19 August 2016

A day out

19 August

What a great day yesterday was. We were up at 7am and off to Whipsnade Zoo, and we all had a great day out. I’ve even caught the sun on my face a wee bit, and so did Kile and he wore a hat too. It’s a huge site and at times you have to travel some distance between the enclosures. Jan and I used our scooters but poor Kile had to walk around. We were all shattered by the time we arrived home, with Kile being the worst. Even so, we didn’t see all of it. However, we did learn from our trip; you can drive around a large part of it. Next time we go we will drive around and use our walkers when we need to get out and view the animals.

On the way we drove past a place called Dunstable Down, a place we hadn’t heard of before. At the time though we were on our way there and even so, it was very misty out there, so we didn’t stop; on the way home we were all shattered and even though the mist was gone, we were so tired that we didn’t stop. That leaves us with a visit in the future. Another one that I knew about, but hadn’t thought of, was Woburn Safari Park. We wouldn’t be able to do there and The Downs in one day, but certainly it’s certainly worth looking at later.

Travelling was easy down the M1, even if it was slow with all the roadworks and speed limits down to 40mph in places. Even so, we saw some horrendous driving out there again, mainly from car drivers and bikers; for once the truckers were behaving themselves. We came home up the A5, a not so direct route but more pleasant than the M1. Even so, we had bikers racing along and blowing horns when they didn’t have enough space between two lines of cars. The biggest bug bears were the number slow moving cars on the way, pottering along at 40mph when there was need for it, where the national speed limit of 60mph (on single carriageways,). That of course lead to frustration in other drivers who eventually blasted their way past. From what I saw yesterday, I am really pleased I gave up my licence last year.

Back to the zoo then … my Nikon got a lot of use yesterday, 298 images in all. Once in home I got them all transferred to my lappy and made a start on the editing them. Right now I have Elements 12 opening the next batch. So, today’s photo can’t be anything but from yesterday …

A head shot of a giraffe.

Today’s funny …

A naval officer met a pirate at an inn and couldn't help but noticing that the pirate had a wooden leg, a hook and an eye patch.
"How did you get the wooden leg?" asked the officer.
"Well," said the pirate, "we were in a storm at sea and I was swept overboard into shark-infested waters. And one of the sharks bit off my leg."
"That's terrible," said the officer. "What about the hook? How did you come by that?"
"Well" said the pirate, "we were boarding an enemy ship and in the heat of battle, my right hand was sliced off by an enemy swordsman."
"How terrible," said the officer. "And the eye patch?"
"A seagull dropping fell into my eye."
"You lost your eye because of a seagull dropping?"
"Well, it was my first day with the hook."

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