Kile is
due to go home today after a visit to the cinema with some of his friends from
a club he’s part of. Yet again the place will feel empty when he’s gone, but
there again, the empty space will be used as a dumping gap, as usual. We have noticed
this last few days he’s got a tad cheeky with some of his comments and
responses. It’s not a problem as we have expected it to happen at some time. An
example for yesterday …
As you
know, I like Peter James’ books, and his Roy Grace series most of all. Now, as
I was reading one Roy Grace story I read about his goldfish, and I thought Yeah, that’s a good idea, a single goldfish
in a bowl sat beside me on a wee table. So I mentioned it to Jan and off we went to buy one – but came
back with three goldfish and a large tank. Jan has been on the end of my micky
taking comments about all I was a small bowl with one fish in it. On their way
home from Stratford yesterday they called into A5 Aquatics and bought just one
fish and the bowl. In strolls Kile carrying the fish and says, ‘Here you are
grandad, now you can stop whinging about it!’ Cheeky little blighter … … …
He's been
telling me this morning about a young girl who lives close to him. He says she
always wears very high-heel shoes which ‘… look silly …’ and is very overweight
and easily gets out of breath. His term for her was ‘scummy’. Well, that a new one on me; ‘flea-bags’ was
the term we used at school for the two sister in our school who really were
flea-bags, we could see them running around on their clothes. They were very
dirty and because they were always peeing themselves, were always very smelly.
It’s been
years since I last thought of those two girls; I wonder what became of them?
Yes, we kids were always nasty and cruel to them but we never actually asked
why they were like that, why they were always hungry and had no idea of how to
behave in public. None of us ever thought of trying to find out or to help them
in anyway. But there again, neither did any of our parents try to help either.
Now I feel rather sad about it, but all is not lost it does give me an idea for
another story/book.
actually got some writing done yesterday while they were out, and I’m hoping to
get some more done this afternoon too. Actually, I need to get on and do a lot
more of it otherwise it will never get finished. For the first time I am also
trying my hand at some drawing to fit the story line. The idea for this is
mainly so I can keep a clear(ish) idea of the lay-out of Arathusia and the
various other places mentioned as I move through the story lines. This drawing
is a major thing for me cos I’ve always said that the only I can draw is money
from the bank. Not sure if they will appear in the book at any time though,
they would need to be worked up quite a bit first.
this morning I spent time on Facebook on my tablet cos Jan and Kile wanted to
play the wee. Just lately I have been writing some book reviews for one of the
groups I’m in, so ForReadingAdicts, and the last one I did was for 2001, and it got posted on Facebook this
morning. So when I saw it I had a read of it, and guess what, they’ve managed
to mix up two reviews, no wonder it didn’t make any sense. I have let them know
so I think they’ll soon get it sorted. My next review will be of Chip Walkers’ Children of Hern.
raining my plans for going in to town today are cancelled, a pity really, I was
looking forward to it. We also had a lie in this morning too, so the finisher will
come tomorrow, and that should be the end of it apart from the council inspection
and acceptance. Then all we need to do is to finish sorting out all the rest of
the bits we have lying about in here. Most of it is done now though and apart
from buying a few more dry/tinned foods that we need, we too will be done. Last
night we had our first full cooked meal for the three weeks this work has been
going on, nothing special as such, but very nice anyway.
Today's photo ...

A bewick swan.
funny …
traffic cop pulls a car driver over for speeding and asks him to get out of the
car. After looking the man over he says, "Sir, I couldn't help but notice
your eyes are a little bloodshot. Have you been drinking?"
The man gets really angry at this and says, "Officer, I couldn't help but notice your eyes are glazed. Have you been eating doughnuts?"
The man gets really angry at this and says, "Officer, I couldn't help but notice your eyes are glazed. Have you been eating doughnuts?"
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