Saturday, 16 June 2012

Colours, packing and drinking

16 June 2012

We have just sat and watched Trooping of the Colour on telly.  I try to watch it every year but it does get missed every so often.  Yes I know it's always the same the same music being played and soldiers marching about to shouts from just the odd few shouters.  I love military music and I love to see the discipline on display.  Remember, those soldiers are not doing national service, they are all volunteers, just as all other service personnel are. 

I'm pleased I hadn't planned on going down town today.  It's been raining pretty much all day so far.  Far too wet for riding around on a scooter.  I feel sorry for the folks on the market stalls, especially if there's not many shoppers about.  Later I shall go upstairs and pack a few more boxes ready for our move.  I got three done yesterday before my back started to complain too much.  Jan sat and helped packing too.  We bought some of those vac-pack bags and they are just great.  One thing that isn't mentioned in the ads and so on don't say is that one all the air is sucked out of the bag by the hover, they bags still weight a heck of a lot.  Still, that's half of Jan's togs packed ready now though.

So it's Saturday again, and Saturday is Telegraph day.  Front page today is that the bin men in Coventry are playing up because there's so many newly built houses over there that they are now running into problems getting round them all.  The problem says one of them that although they have enough men for the job, they don't have enough vehicles.  Cost cutting maybe?

I noticed in today's paper another little snippet called Strange World.  Today's item is claiming that dads are gaining more than a stone in weight after the birth of a child.  It's all down to pressure at work, less exercise and eating too many take aways ... so what's new then?

We go back to 1890 for our What Happened Today item.  I never found Laurel and Hardy all that funny to be honest.  They were just too silly to laugh at.  However, Stan Laurel was on 16 June 1890.  Now I encourage you all to remember that as you got to bed tonight?  I'm sure you will all have a better night's sleep with that very important piece of trivia swimming about in yer noggins.         

Today's photo then is this ... 

In Dorktown just before Christmas last year, an Army charity fund raising event.

And today's funny ... 

A man stumbles up to the only other patron in a bar and asks if he
could buy him a drink.  'Why, of course,' comes the reply. The first man then asks, 'Where are you from?'
'I'm from Ireland,' replies the second man.
The first man responds by saying, 'You don't say. I'm from Ireland too. Let's have another round to Ireland.'
'Of course,' replies the second man. Curious, the first man then asks, 'Where in Ireland are you from?'
'Dublin,' comes the reply. 'I can't believe it,' says the first man, 'I'm from Dublin too. Let's have another drink to Dublin.'
'Of course,' replies the second man.
Curiosity again strikes and the first man asks, 'What school did you go to?'
'St. Mary's,' replies the second man, 'I graduated in 1962.'
'This is unbelievable,' the first man says. 'I went to St. Mary's and I graduated in 1962 too.'
About that time, one of the regulars comes in and sits down at the
bar. 'What's been going on?' he asks the barman.
'Nothing much,' replies the barman. 'The O'Malley twins are drunk again.'      

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