Sunday, 24 June 2012

Busy, busy and a little screw

24 June 2012

We are so busy right now.  At least this will be our last move.  We have friends across the street who have been living in that house for nearly 40 years too.  If they were to move I should hate to try to sort out what they have.  It’s bad enough after just the 3 years we’ve been here.  Most of what are taking with us is now packed and ready, it’s mostly just the last minute stuff that needs doing.   Sometime between 8am and 1pm tomorrow we shall be losing our broadband connection when Mr Virgin-man sets up our new connection in the flat.  Our modem and so on will be there waiting for him to arrive to set it up.  So this will be the last Dorktown  musing entry for a few days.  Sorry folks, not a lot I can do about right now.

It wasn’t a bad day yesterday and I managed to get out for a few hours.  Riding home at just after 4pm though and it was starting to get a wee bit cold then.  Mind you, the two pints of heater fluid in the Willy White did it’s job well ;-)))

On yesterday’s Dorktown Telegraph front page was a photo of a 23 three year old rapist thug.  He has now been sent down for 13 years and will have to serve at least 6 ½ years but will only be released with the agreement of the parole board and the Home Secretary.  That may seem harsh to some people, but we know him of old.  At one time when he was around 15 he was accused of raping 4 underage girls making one of them pregnant in the process.  At the time we all thought that we were going to be rid of him at long last.  We hadn’t taken his thuggish nature into account though.  He threatened the girls into withdrawing their complaints; the result was he got to walk off yet again with no action being taken against him.  At least now young women and girls are safe from him!

Back to the move … I’ve decided that it’s all off!  As I said I went off down town.  It was Market Day of course and as I pulled up at the stall that sells beck issues of magazines the stall holder came up to me with a copy a Practical Photographer and handed it to me.  “It’s the only photo mag I have today,” he said as he gave it me.  That’s it!  Time to leave town when even the market stall owners get to know me and what I want ;-)))

Right now I’m using my netbook to write this and because of it I’m fairly limited on what photos I have access to.  I saw sort that out later by buying a larger USB thingy and copy all my photos to it and update it regularly.  So with that in mind I have looked at what photos I do have on here and found this one …   

While we lived in Atherton we went for a ride out one Sunday to the Wirral and found that the Wirral County show was on.  This was part of it.  It was a great day out too.

A ‘small’ funny today …

The Seven Dwarfs had an audience with the pope it was all going really well.  Doc had a question he wanted to ask the pope "Excuse me sir but are there any dwarf nuns in Rome?"
The pope looked confused "No there are no dwarf nuns in Rome"  Dopey looked a bit iffy
Bashful asked " well are there any dwarf nuns in Italy?"
"No there are no dwarf nuns in Italy" Said the pope.  Dopey was starting to look rather huffy
Grumpy asked " Are you sure there isn’t any dwarf nuns in Europe?"
"No I am sorry there aren’t no dwarf nuns in Europe" said the pope.  Dopey was now looking angry
Sneezy said " Well Mr pope are there any dwarf nuns in the world?"
The Pope said "I’m sorry Sneezy no there are no dwarf nuns in the world...why?"  The rest of the dwarfs were rolling on the floor with laughter

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