Friday, 30 November 2012

An introduction, The Hussy Hospital is closed again, and why do you need a gun?

30 November 2012

So it's December tomorrow; where has this year gone?  It seems to have flown by to us.  But it has been a busy year for us really.  Jan has had an operation; we moved home; the house went on the market; not much really I suppose but to did seem a lot during the year.

There are some very sick people in Dorktown.  A three year old boy died and his mum began to tend his grave and build up a bit of shrine to him.  There's a photo of it on the front page of the News this morning.  It's not really my sort of thing I suppose but it does help a lot of grieving people.  But some prat however, decided that they needed the items on there for themselves and began stealing them.  Now the mum has had to take the rest away so as not to lose those too.  Like I said, sick people!

The front page of yesterdays News claimed that the Hussy Hospital was closed to all visitors because that noro-virus bug.  The hospital seems to be hit by it on a fairly regular basis.  Usually it's just the odd ward that get's closed but now it's the whole hospital.  There is something seriously long there and they need to find out what it is and get it fixed!  In today's paper there is a plea that the public only uses A&E for real emergencies only ... what's the betting that plea is ignored?

A Tory Councillor has hit out at the contents of an email that somehow got sent to all councillors.  It seems that the council is printing 2000 Christmas Cards for just £8.09.  That must be a very heavily subsidised price.  The cards are being printed for just one ward, Slough in Bed'th.  For once I am in agreement with a Tory councillor.  There is no excuse for the tax payer picking up that bill!
The big switch on is taking place either this evening or tomorrow evening, probably this evening although I'm sure I read somewhere that it would be tomorrow.  Tomorrow though could be difficult with the market on.  No idea where I saw the date for tomorrow though.  Jan has to go out this evening so we won't be going this year so I will have to be in town later one afternoon to get shot of the lights in the town centre.  There seems to be a new set of lights too.  About bloomin time too.  But it looks like they have moved away from the traditional coloured Charismas lights and gone for the non-descript neutral white strings of lights.  So sad ... ... ... I feel a letter to the editor of the News is due!   
Along with our Dorktown News this morning there was a copy of the Maily Dail delivered here too I would normally return it to the newsagents but we get our papers delivered by a young girl and I'm not sure where she gets her supplies from.  On the front page of it is the story of the ex-SAS soldier who has been released from his jail sentence by a judge in London.  I'm not sure how I feel about that really.  The charitable side of me agrees with his release.  But the ex-soldier part of is not very happy at all.  The man had been in the Army long enough to know and understand that being in possession of a private fire-arm and ammunition was every much against all the rules.  But here's the thing ... owning a gun is one thing - but owing 300 rounds of ammunition lifts it into a different level of seriousness.  My question is, "Why did he want the ammunition if the gun was supposed to be a war trophy?"  From what I heard on telly and read in the paper, the gun was still active, that is it could still be fired.  Why does and person need, or want such a gun?

So it's photo time and I really do hate to see this ...   

I get very annoyed over it.  In this case I even went back to see if the poor dog was still there; she wasn't but if she had been I would have taken her and handed her over to the cops or the dog warden.  I told Jan about it and how I felt and started to think about getting ourselves a small dog.  We're both sloppy on Yorkys - so here's is Pip-Pup ...

She has a kink in her tail and we were going to call her Kinky but changed our minds when to thought about having to call her back when she is out for walk.

Funny time ...

A man had two great tickets for the Cup final. As he sits down, another man comes down and asks if anyone is sitting in the seat next to him.
"No," he says. "The seat is empty."
"This is incredible!" said the man. "Who in their right mind would have a seat like this for the FA cup final, the biggest sporting event in England, and not use it?"
He says, "Well, actually, the seat belongs to me. My wife was supposed to come with me, but she passed away. This is the first Cup Final we haven't been to together since we got married."
"Oh ... I'm sorry to hear that. That's terrible. I guess you couldn't find someone else - a friend or relative, or even a neighbour to take the seat?"
The man shakes his head...
"No. They're all at the funeral."        

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