Friday, 16 March 2012

Another week goes by ...

16 March 2012

“I have dream … “ as a certain famous American once said.  In my dream the child protection laws would not be needed and CRO checks on teachers and class room helpers would be a thing of the past.  In my dream kids can go out and about in safety with their mums and dads being happy to allow them to do so.  They can take up activities that interest them and be safe from perverted men who see kids as something more than a child.  Where is this coming from you might ask?  Well, as well as the Dorktown News and Coventry Telegraph, every week we get the local free paper called the Tribune.  Our copy arrived this morning.  On the front of the Trib are two stories, both of child sexual abuse. Why these people do what they do I don’t know but it’s time we as a nation stood up and sorted it all out.  It’s time we as a nation demanded action on the parts of the government and the courts to deal with these people in more effective manner.  That is my dream! 

Both the Trib and the News have a letters page today.  Most of the letters are as bad as each other, one councillor slagging off another one or one ex-Muppet Person slagging off the guy who beat in the last election.  At the bottom of one of the pages there’s one small letter from a guy saying he’s had enough of it, as he said quoting the Yanks, “Enough already!”  How I agree with him!  But do I?  I do enough of it in here don’t I?  The letters page in all the newspapers is our chance to say how we feel these so-called public servants are doing.  So no, I don’t actually agree with him.  After all, he doesn’t have to read them does he?

And speaking of the media … on BBC Midlands today yesterday there was a story of how a school had seen a solicitor about comments made by two of the schools ex-pupils posted on Twitter.  The two people concerned are now facing demands of over £600 each to cover the schools costs.  They are refusing pay claiming that the school could have easily asked them to remove the comments and they would have done so.  There was no need to go to a solicitor over it.  I do actually agree with them over at!  But it does raise the issue that the internet is not a free as everyone seems to think it is.  Just as in life in general we do not have free speech, no matter how much some claim we do.  We can’t say anything we want about anyone and expect to get away with it.  It’s fine to do so if you have proof and can prove what you are saying, but making up a story and posting it on-line is a sure way of ending up in court.    

It’s Friday today.  And yet another week has flown by.  At least I’ve managed to get a good deal of writing done – 4800 words yesterday alone – and that not counting yesterday’s blog either.  Not sure how much I will get done today though.  Jan is on her way to the Hussy Hospital and later when our weekly caller has been I am thinking of going into town for a few hours.  I’d like to take my Nikon P100 with me so that I can have a play with that and see what it can do.  Should be good for a laugh that.

Yesterday afternoon we were surprised to see a plain white envelope pushed through our letterbox.  Jan opened it, read the note enclosed and passed it on to me to read.  The family next door is of Oriental origin and one of them has died while in hospital.  I nothing at all about their religious beliefs but I was impressed that the family had taken the time to write and in form the neighbours of what had happened and to apologise in advance if any of their various rituals cause us any disturbance.  I can think of a lot of British folks who could learn from that!

Dorktown’s station is on one of main routes of London/north west line.  At one time we could get a train direct into London from there.  We still can but not with Virgin Trains.  Our Muppet Person is supposed to be fighting hard to get Virgin Trains to stop again here in Dorktown.  He’s not having all that much luck really but perhaps he’s had a small victory in that Virgin have agreed to add another service to London on Sunday and two more services each day from London during the Olympics.  Whoopy duppy doodah!  Let’s hope that all 75,000 of us won’t try to get on that extra train on Sunday – or even 5% of us do.  And two extra from London … what about getting to London?  And these extra services are just for the duration of the Olympics.  My school reports used to say regularly, “Must try harder”.  Our Muppet Person needs to do that too.

So it’s now photo time … 

this bike was in Dorktown some time ago and I got the shot.  I called it dream machine on Flickr along with a lot of other such bikes.  So why is it a dream?  Well, I bought a push bike a couple of years ago.  I used to love cycling at one time but the first time I went out on that bike I was all over the place.  My balance is shot now.  I just didn’t feel safe at all.  So as much as I would fancy ridding one of these I know full well that it would be stupid to even try.

Today’s funny then …   


Fresh from her shower, she stood in front of the mirror complaining to her husband that her breasts are too small. Instead of characteristically telling her it's not so, he uncharacteristically comes up with a suggestion.
"If you want your breasts to grow, then every day take a piece of toilet paper and rub it between them for a few seconds."
Willing to try anything, she fetched a piece of toilet paper and stood in front of the mirror, rubbing it between my breasts. "How long will this take?" She asked.
"They will grow larger over a period of years," her husband replied.
" Do you really think rubbing a piece of toilet paper between my
breasts every day will make my breasts larger over the years?"
Without missing a beat he says "Worked for your butt, didn't it?"     

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